Saturday, November 5, 2011

Night time testing

It's been a while since I have posted. Things have been busy around here. I will get back to our story soon. Tonight I just want to say how much I dislike the term Dead in Bed! I think it is horrible.
After diagnosis I tested faithfully every two hours through the night. Then it went to every three hours. Here we are almost two years later and I test about every four. I am exhausted. Somewhere along the road I heard the term Dead in Bed. I had no idea what that meant. So I went to my trusty pal Google to see what he could tell me. I was horrified.
These last few weeks I just can't seem to get that term out of my mind. I have woken up numerous times in the middle of the night in a panic that something has happened to Q. I have even slept in her bed for the last week. I just can't shake this something bad is gonna happen feeling.
I know that I am not alone in my fears either. This is something that happens. All the D Families out there know exactly how I feel. I really hope one day we don't have to live in fear!
It is Diabetes Awareness month and I encourage everyone to educate yourself and then go out and make a donation to help us find a cure!